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Sunday, September 20, 2015

What Is New On The Horizon

This is such a touchy subject, but I must state my thought anyway because others might learn from them and or they may bring about more thought into this.

All over the Internet and now on the commercials and such there has been talk about Global Warming or Climate Change.  In those studies they profess their results they tell the public about how humans are killing the planet.  I beg to differ with their studies.  Yes, I do get lots of people telling me that I am blind and all those studies are true.  I don't believe them

Pictures of trash and melting of ice and death of species and decimation of forests and such are all the rave they proclaim.  You take a wider view and zoom out of the area they have taken their pictures of and you will see a different view.

According to all earthly creatures there is a dying process and with each dying process nature gives us a better or new species on the planet.  It has been done time and time again.  Each species that we *think* has gone extinct has been found again.  Not only this but we are finding many, many new species on this planet from simple plants to amphibians to reptiles to higher animal species.
Animals such as the one on this video include:

  • Banggai Crow Not recorded since 1885.  Rediscovered: 2007 (confirmed 2009)
  • Terror Skink Not recorded since the 1870s.  Rediscovered: 2003
  • Cuban Solenodon Last specimen seen: 1890.  Officially declared extinct: 1970. Rediscovered: 2003
  • Bavarian Pine Vole Thought extinct: 1962.  Rediscovered: 2000/2001
  • Black Kokanee Thought extinct: 1940.  Rediscovered: 2010

More Animals that were thought extinct that may still be alive today.

With each new thing something has to die first to make room for the new.  Many things that change, do so for the better of the species.

I watched a small part of a show the other night and it was a camera taking a video of a part of the bottom of the ocean.  It was showing all the trash that had sunk down to the bottom.  Yes, that is a bad thing, BUT the video also showed how the ocean currents were putting all that trash into one place.  I do believe that we are not in control of things on this planet.  I do not think that we will ever be in control of Nature who has been here and done things all by itself for many years before we set foot on this planet.

I am an optimist and as such I see more beauty and more good in, on and above the earth and I also trust that the natural occurrences of said Earth knows what it is doing.

Seeing and observing many new things that we have not been able to before gives me a sense of awe in everything.  We have so many expeditions in and at the bottom of the oceans.  It is at this time in our history, not that of the whole planets history that we can now sit and watch and see what lives in the ocean and at the bottom.  That is not to say that we have seen it all though a we are finding newly discovered species there with each new day. We can now go to the mountain tops and see them from above and we can go under them and see what is living in the caverns of the planet.  We now have just seen glimpses of what creatures live in the hottest and coldest of climates and conditions.  We have also been able to see what is above the planet and out into space and what is in galaxies so far away.
The Lrgest Cavern in China and they even had a school and people living in there.

I think it is arrogant that we use such scare tactics on others and we still don't even know 1/10th of what is in our environment.

With each thing that goes away, something new or improved comes in it's place and it gets me to wonder what are the new things that are on our horizon.  Don't you?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

What I Love About This Planet

Our Planet Earth

Our Planet is a wonderful planet.  Some may say that we are destroying it but I do not see that because there is too much beauty in and on and above it.  I think that Mother Nature and the planet Earth knows what they are doing, weather we be on it or not.  It was here long before we were and will be long after we are gone, if that ever happens.

There is show that was on a while ago called Life After People.

What I saw with this was the earth taking back her domain.  Weeds and insects grew back in areas that were devastated and left to just be forgotten.  In the series there was a report of what happens and would happen to all those Nuclear Power Plants and how nature took it all back.  I mean nature like in animals, plants, insects and other life.  

I often wonder what will happen to this small patch of land that I live on once we leave it.  I have seen the weeds take over in just a couple of months.  I see many animals come by on this land and this is their home and they will take it back.  I wonder what all my plants and flowers that I have added to this parcel will do to change this areas small ecosystem.  Don't you wonder what you are doing for the future of this piece of land that you live on and what it may look like once you leave it?

I love this planet because it doesn't care what we do to it.  It always comes back and continues on in every part of the world.

The mountains are so beautiful and full of life and water.  They are different colors and different formations and they house many plants, insects and animals fro one mountain to the next and from one continent or island to the next.  They are so full of life is is beyond just being beautiful.

There are oceans.  Many oceans and seas and rivers and streams.  They are all part of this lovely Earth.  They hold life and give life and sustain life and they move and flow and go wherever they want.  They live and they play and they die and come back again to do it all over again.

This Earth, this planet is our playground.  It is here for everyone to play whatever game they want to play.  It is here to teach us what we want to know and to figure things out.  Within it is all our thoughts and dreams and all the things that we need to learn and see and experience. We come back again and again to learn more and experience more.  Everything is provided, the land, the mountains, the oceans and rivers and streams and the places that we live.

I just love this planet called Earth.  

We can never destroy it for it will always defy us and grow anew.

The Earth is Alive!

Now think of the planet Earth as a single cell in a body called the Universe.

To see all the things that a human cell has you can go here: 

Human Cell Diagram, Parts, Pictures, Structure and Functions

Everything on earth is one working organism.  It all works together.  

It has to have what we perceive as bad and it also has to have what we perceive as good on it to work harmoniously.  

In turn this single cell works harmoniously with the thing that we call The Milky Way, which may only be a chromosomal in a vast body just waiting or working slowly to become a huge body part in the macrocosm of a single life.

For more beautiful pictures of space from the Hubble Spacecraft click on GALLERY 

I hope that I didn't send you to too many places.  I do hope that you visited them anyway because they are important to everyone on this planet.  Who knows what another planet may have that we do not yet know about because we only see the surface of things.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Coal’s Future Increasingly in Doubt-Solar Thermal Magazine

Coal’s Future Increasingly in Doubt-Solar Thermal Magazine:

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Press release: The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign announced that one-third of all coal-fired power plants in the United States are now scheduled for retirement, a significant milestone in the effort to move the country beyond coal no later than 2030. The latest announcements, coming this week from Maryland and Pennsylvania, bring the total up to 158 of the nation’s 523 coal-fired power plants.
Community groups from across the country, major environmental organizations, health advocates, and everyday citizens have joined together in an effort to fundamentally transform America’s energy sector by cleaning up the air we breathe and ending dangerous pollution from old, dirty coal plants while bringing more clean energy online. As we transition to a clean energy economy, the Sierra Club is calling on utilities, state government officials, and all people who care about justice and fairness to ensure a responsible transition for affected workers.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Get with it guys!

Girls Rule

Many think that men rule the whole entire world and even in to animals kingdown and into as far down as the insect kingdom.  That isn’t true at all.

Walking Sticks are ruled by girls.  They do not need males to reproduce.  The females can reproduce all by themselves and what do they reproduce?  They reproduce females only.  There are thousands of females out there.  So this is a species that are ruled by Girls in the insect world.

In the animal world the Bonobo monkeys that live south of the Congo River in Africa are ruled by Girls.  They do not fight over food or territory but they do make love.  I mean they use sex to make everyone happy. They also use sex as recreation and not only for mating.  Humans are not the only species that that uses sex as a form of recreation.   

Sadly they are on the endangered species list.  Why destroy when we can be observers?  Poaching is very rampant in those parts, but that the same time it is said that the area south of the Congo River is the most unexplored place on Earth. You can read much more about them here:

In some tribes in the Amazon and other places on this Earth, it is the girls who rule their nations and Governments.  There are women who have and are ruling whole countries, from B.C. to the present times.

Girls Rule in insects, mammals and in countries.  So why are we still thinking that men are the only ones on this Earth that rule or should rule anything or anybody?

Western Religion still teaches that men are the only ones that have the ability to preach and rule over countries.

Get with it guys!  

Girls WAKE UP!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Mercury Poisoning In Fish from Japan

I have written a short thing on the Trash Heap that is floating along in the Pacific ocean that came from Japan’s tsunami.  That was also full of radioactive material in it.  Something moe sinister has been happening way before this though and we have all been effected by it.  

For years Japan has been poisoning fish, whale and dolphin meat with Mercury. This practice and this poisoning has been spread around the Pacific Ocean. In 2008 they were finally caught. You can read the full story on this website:

Mercury poisoning is also very deadly to humans and sea creatures too.  The Japanese government has been poisoning their citizens for years with this stuff and not telling them that they were. You may think that this is just in Japan but I will explain why it can be anywhere that fish in The Pacific Ocean can be eaten from around the globe.

When they catch the dolphin in special nets, they slaughter them right there in the water.  That water washes out to sea.  Small fish and even plankton ingests the mercury in the water from the blood of the slaughtered dolphins.  Every fish that eats the plankton gets a double dose of mercury.  With each bigger fish the larger amount of mercury.  Fish do not stay in the same place all their lives.  They travel all along the oceans in the mating and other travels taking that mercury with them.  People catch fish of all kinds in that ocean too and it them makes it into the food supply of humans and other animals that eat fish, whale and dolphin and other fish.  This has been happening for many, many years before the Fukushima tsunami.  

What other things have they been tampering with that we and their own people do not know about?   

Harvard-Smithsonian Physicist: Computer Models Used by U.N. Overstate Global Warming | CNS News

( – A scholarly paper explaining why predictions made by climate computer models used by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tend to exaggerate global warming has ignited a political firestorm.

Dr. Wei-Hock “Willie” Soon, a solar physicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, came under attack by environmentalists after co-authoring a peer-reviewed paper explaining “the widening discrepancy between prediction and observation” in climate change models, and members of Congress soon took sides.
Harvard-Smithsonian Physicist: Computer Models Used by U.N. Overstate Global Warming | CNS News: "Harvard-Smithsonian Physicist: Computer Models Used by U.N. Overstate Global Warming"

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Someones Trash Becomes Others Homes and Livelihoods

I am talking about all those island that are made of the trash and debris from the last  Fukushima tsunami disaster in 2011. They estimated that some 5 million tons of trash and debris had sunk off of Japans coast and the rest went out to sea.  According to the report in 2011  At  tht point in time they didn’t know how much of this debris was in the ocean.  
We humans call it junk, debris, trash or waste and we automatically think it is dangerous and also an eyesore for humans.  

Many of us humans do not realize that anything that floats in the oceans become food or homes or even hiding places for several varieties of fish, mammals and crustaceans.  
We also cannot forget the plant kingdom.  I bet there is some form or another of seaweed or other food that lives in these islands.  

Update: as of  February 2014 the death toll was at Stress and other illnesses related to the 2011 quake and tsunami had killed 1,656 people in Fukushima Prefecture as of Wednesday, outnumbering the 1,607 whose deaths were directly tied to disaster-caused injuries, according to data compiled by the prefecture and local police.

As far as the size of this Trash Island I have found, through Google Search, articles that say it is the size of your fingernail, to the size of Texas and also the size of the United States.  I cannot find a reliable source when searching the current size.

The tsunami happed in 2011 and it is now 2015.  Now that the “island” is full of living organisms, we want to “clean” it up? 

Who would we be helping at this late date, Humans or the Animal kingdom?

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Salmons in Canons! What Are We Doing?

It sounds good that they are helping the Salmon get into the lakes that they spawn in.  They are using a type of soft sided cannon to fire these fish into the lakes and dammed areas that they spawn in to help them with the yearly track to reproduce.

I have some concerns with this.  It is just putting a band aid on a man-made problem with another man-made solution.  Every single time that we fool with the workings of Mother Nature we produce problems for ourselves later down the road. 

The problems that I see are:
1.      How are the salmon going to get back down stream and into the oceans until the next migration to spawn again?
2.      I see this as a problem with the fish and wildlife that are already in the upper part of the dam with the addition of these that could not make it.
a.      It will definitely cause some species to decrease in the waters as these salmon will take over the big pond.
b.      It will definitely cause an abundance of other species, such as bear to be on the increase in population as salmon is their favorite food source.
3.      When there ae more problems with more bears, will humans kill them in the long run, make them close to extinction too?

We grow salmon in fish farms and there are others that grow certain species of fish in enclosed habitats in the lakes and oceans in other parts of the word.

When we fool with Mother Nature she always finds a solution to those problems that we have made.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Those Who Live In The Earth

In the early 1950s the original movie was made and televised, and it was from the book by Jules Verne.  The two stars that were in that one were Pat Boone and James Mason.  There was a remake of this in the 1980s.  The book was inspired by trying to find the city of Atlantis.  At any rate the main thing was that they were finding a girl’s father who went to the Center of the Earth but he never came back.  In both of them a scientist was paid to go find this girl’s father.  They started down into a volcano that had been empty for many years.  From there they found all kinds of science fiction things such as prehistoric creatures, a kind of sun that gave light and many catechisms and tunnels.  It was really quite interesting and in both of them the graphics were great.
What there is also is a place called Agartha, better known as Hollow Earth.  There has been much talk about this place and the Hollow Earth Cities and all those.  I have even written on the places, the people who claim to have seen it and about it being mentioned in the Bible.
With all this aside is it really possible that there really are such creatures as they have found in the center of the earth.  I do know there are many creatures that have survived on this earth for millions of years.  How can we not think that these places are possible when we do not even know 1/10th of what is in our very oceans.  The oceans cover some 3/4ths of our planet.  We do not even know what is down in the caverns of the planet.  We are finding new things every day.  China has a super cave and people lived  in one of it’s amazingly huge chambers.  They had a school down there too. You can take a 3D tour on National Geographic here It is a wonderful world, with all of the things that earth does and shows us glimpses of every day.   Just watching the shows on the NatGeo channel with all those many different kinds of sharks and the creatures that make their own light just amazes me.

What do you think about all of this?  I think it is interesting and amazing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

No Matter What Humans Put In The Way

Doomsayers And End Of Life On Earth Believers

Yes there are many of you out there.  Those who think that Global Warming is a fact and that the Earth cannot survive.  We have only recorded human interaction with the earth for a couple of thousands of years.  The Earth has been around for many million years and has survived and had what we call global warming, disasters, tar pits and climate changes and lots of species dying off.  Mother Nature replenishes these and she takes care of us all.
Where were we then?

* I do hope that you visit each and every link in this article because I went and did the search for them and added them here for your benefit.

There are many organizations all over the planet that helps the earth and cleans up and re-plants things.  They are doing a good job.  If we would leave the earth alone she would clean it up herself.  She would choose different species to live and which ones she wants to cull.  She can see in the future as to what she wants to happen.  We cannot do that. 
Some of the organizations for you to look at are:
·        Green Peace International
·        Plant A Billion Trees
·        Save the Redwoods

 I am sure that you can find some way to help save our planet too.

Save the animals is up to Mother Nature for the most part.  Yes we may kill and cull in the name of science, but really our interventions have really blown the balance of animal population way out.  For instance we brought in coyotes to help slow down the rabbits and other vermin populations and now there are too may coyotes and the vermin they were to lessen has almost but died off in areas that the coyotes were introduced.  The Snakehead fish is but one example.  Oh yes it is bad but if we kill off all of them then what?  The fish and wildlife of that body of water has gotten used to them and other species have evolved.   There is the word!  EVOLVE!  Mother Nature will have some species EVOLVE to help other species and all kinds of things no matter what us humans put in the way.  That is right no matter what humans put in the way!

The oil spills and the trash in the sea and the radiation.  Oh My Mother Nature does use and recycles many things in her defense on the radiation poisonings all over the planet.  Have we forgotten about Chernobyl or Three Mile Island ?  They both happened many years ago and we all got upset and thought that we would not survive and earth would not be here after those but yet here we are.  Mother Earth took care of those with some help by humans.  That is right we humans do care and we are making a big difference.

Now you may think that I live in a fairy tale world or that I do not take all this destruction of our world seriously.  I do but I do not go overboard and share scare tactics to get me and others upset.  If you are one of those people then I suggest you actually join one of the many organizations listed about and do something about it.  Spreading fear does nothing but spread fear.  Do not be blaming all this on God either. We all need to be aware of what we are doing and what is happening on this planet and above it in the biospheres 

Monday, March 9, 2015

NatGeo March 2014 Issue Bats, Mustangs and the Tuna Population

What I learned From Reading My March 2014 NatGeo Magazine

I get these about once every two months and I always wait for the next one anxiously.  This March 2014 issue has all kinds of good stuff in it from the horses of the Indians of North America to the Tuna that we eat.  Included in this issue they have new studies and pictures and things of that nature about the Black Holes.  I love looking at all the pictures that fill the pages of the magazine. 

I learned that Mustang really means Stray, as in stray cats, in Spanish in medieval times.  They got that name because when the Mexicans rounded them up so many got away from them and they became strays by the early 1500’s.  The first person to bring horses to North America was a Herna’n Corte’s when he was looking for glory and gold in the late 1400’s.

Bats and flowers use each other and are synergetic in nature.  In this issue they have a picture showing how the nectar gets deposited on the head and back of the bats as they drinking the sweet nectar of the flower.  Some of those tropical plants reflect sounds so that the bats sonar guides it right to the specific flower for pollenation.  I like bats.

The Bluefin and Yellow fin tuna is used mostly as in the tuna that we use in cans and as a large source of sushi.  The skipjack is the smallest of tuna and is labeled as light meat in canned tuna.  The largest tuna is the Atlantic Bluefin.  This fish has a buttery flavor to it and is widely sought after for raw dishes.  No wonder other animals love this fish as well as humans. With all the talk about over fishing, this is one fish that left for a year would over produce to 5 times their present population.  I thought that was cool news.

Honey Bees Are Not The Only Or The Best Pollinators

There are more bees that pollinate our plants then just Honey Bees.  Check this article out and I do hope that you go to the links provided.

Many of the news today is all about the decimation of the honey bees that live and grow and thrive in a hive.  
Did you know thought that there are other bees that pollinate our flowers and make our crops grow that are not these social bees?  
Yes and they are gentle and they do not produce honey but there are great pollinators.  We do not need these honey bees to pollinate our crops, flowers, trees and vegetables.  
Mason bees are just one of the many species of bees that only pollinate.  They do not live in hives but in solitary places and you can make these places very simply.  
We, as a people, on this planet are finding alternative pollinators and bees that are coming to the forefront of gardening.  These solitary bees, or mason bees, do not have the same problems or diseases as do the honey or social type of bees.  Actually there is very little bad about these bees. 

I just watched this show on my Public Television Station.  The program is called Growing a Greener World.  The website and video for this episode is:

You can also learn and purchase bees, solitary bee supplies and homes and lots more on this website:

What About Trees and Our Health

I read an article on the health of trees and the possible or theoretical correlation to our human health. It reminded me of what I was told a while ago.

I don't remember who told me though. You see there were a large number of trees that got infested with some beetles and borers and are killing many of them. We live on a forested, 1-acre tract of land, on a mountain, facing west. Well, they call it a mountain I read an article on the health of trees and the possible or theoretical correlation to our human health. It reminded me of what I was told a while ago. I don't remember who told me though. They told me that I was brought here to bring back the life of the trees. That is a big undertaking and really don’t have the finances to do so. but it is a foothill compared to the real mountains in the rest of the state. We had many trees that were infected and infested by these beetles and had to cut them down. That was very sad, but when we cut them down we were amazed at how they stood up. We have replaced some of those trees with young Nut trees that would bring new life and a new purpose to the trees, the land, and the wildlife here. I realize some of these will take from 5 years to many years to replenish the just 1 acre we have. I am hoping that these trees do not get infested and that the seeds will be carried throughout our wooded mountainside. Hopefully, they will foster new growth and a better life for all that depend on this land.

Tree and Human Health May Be Linked

It has not found a “direct” link to the cause of some respiratory diseases but brings about a theory that there is a correlation between trees and our health.  In the article they say that because of the death of the Ash Trees that have died from borers specific to that trees our health suffers too.  They are saying that because certain trees that have died less pollution is taken out of our air.  This in turn caused the respiratory problem in humans.  What this tells me is that the forest that I live in can be linked to the same.  It is a good idea to treat the forests with natural things that kill or deter the insects that are eating our trees.  We have a species of pine borers that are and have killed many of our short-needled pines.  So far they have not touched out a few White long needle Pines. We also have several insects that have and are killing off our Oak trees and also many other kinds of trees.  We mostly have Oak trees in our forests but we also have such trees as; White Pine, Short Needle Pines, Cedar, White Birch, Maples, Sassafras, Locusts, and some that I don’t know the species of yet.
We need forests and trees to line our streets.  They provide shade, and homes for wildlife, and most importantly they are a great filter for air pollution.   Large-leaved trees do the best.  It is also a good idea to have large-leafed plants indoors as they also provide filters for indoor air pollution.
Due to the deforestation of many habitats in many areas of the globe this filtering has come to almost a screeching halt.  While some are replanting those trees after they have been cut, it just does not seem like enough.  One of the reasons is that those that are being planted are young trees and will need to take lots of time to regrow to the capacity the older, much larger trees had.  I know that the saplings that I have planted will not be able to filter the air for about 10 years.  If there were a feasible and economical way to replace some of the trees around my land that would be a great start.  Sadly there isn’t and it seems that no one cares around here.
Now it seems that everything is connected in some way.  What we think and do effects other things, plants, trees, animals, the ground, our oceans, and water supply, the air that we breathe, and much more…..Or is it the other way around.  I think it works both ways.  An easy way to tell is to understand the wisdom of the water supply.  Wisdom?  Yes, Wisdom because it does it no matter what and it just keeps on doing it.  If not in one place then it will in another place on the globe.  It is exactly like an Algebraic equation.  What happens on one side will eventually affect what happens on the other side of the planet. We cannot stop this.

Plant and Water Wisdom

The wisdom of the waters:
  This is a cycle.  It is in the ground, it evaporates, and it returns to the ground. 
·        It begins in place, the ground or the air.  This does not matter where on the globe.
·        By the very nature of this Earth, it evaporates.
·        It falls in some kind of form; snow, rain, hail, ice.  It can also come as a light mist to a heavy rainstorm, snowstorm, Hurricane, Tsunami or other force and can be thrown to the ground.  As of this date February 3, 2013, I don’t think that we can control this yet.

The wisdom of plants and trees:
·        They soak up some of this water which contains pollution.
·        The molecules of that dirt and other nutrients get sent to the roots, cleaning the air and taking the pollution back to the earth.
·        Other plants also do this but the bigger the leaves the more area it can clean.
·        Trees and plants also take negative energy and put it back into the ground where it is filtered and turned into positive energy.

What are we doing to cause ourselves harm?

What are we doing to cause ourselves harm?
  Cutting the trees down and removing the air filtration system of this Earth.
·        The air becomes too negative and harmful to the inhabitants of this Earth.
·        That affects us as we breathe the negative air; it enters into the body and causes all kinds of diseases and conditions.
·        We eat of the smaller leaved plants that cannot hold or replenish enough of the negativity, therefore, entering into our body’s defense system and compromising it.
·        We consume the animals that eat the plants, that breathe the same air that we do and the cycle keeps going…..
UNTIL we keep the trees alive and all over the planet so that our planet and all other beings here work synergetically like it was meant to work.  There is a very good article that one might want to read about:Biosynergy: The Synergy of Life

Keep planting the trees, even if you live in a forest such as I do.  There are too many things that kill them off to think that they will always be there.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

There Is Nothing That Is New On This Earth

A mystic person stated that in a book that is called to be Holy.  What do you think this person meant when He said that there is nothing new under the son?  I was going to surmise for various groups of people but I think that I want an honest answer without guiding anything from any one group or pissing someone off. 

In my opinion a studies of Earth cycles it means that everything has happened before.  I can see many things that happened before that we are now just getting a knowledge or grasp of today.  I wrote two bubbles that bring in some information that points me in this direction.  One is that the Earth Is A Biosphere and nothing actually leaves it.  Everything is just recycled! 
Somewhere down the line of all this technological advances we seemed to have missed out on something. All this science and what I would call destructive and privacy eating technology that we have today has turned this world to a much different purpose.  When Rome and Egypt and other cultures were engineering their empires and fulfilled the public’s demand for such things as basic needs we have stepped aside or completely away from that.

What happened to us?

Is this becoming our end so that we can start over again? 

Are we in a cycle too as is the Earth?