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Monday, March 9, 2015

What About Trees and Our Health

I read an article on the health of trees and the possible or theoretical correlation to our human health. It reminded me of what I was told a while ago.

I don't remember who told me though. You see there were a large number of trees that got infested with some beetles and borers and are killing many of them. We live on a forested, 1-acre tract of land, on a mountain, facing west. Well, they call it a mountain I read an article on the health of trees and the possible or theoretical correlation to our human health. It reminded me of what I was told a while ago. I don't remember who told me though. They told me that I was brought here to bring back the life of the trees. That is a big undertaking and really don’t have the finances to do so. but it is a foothill compared to the real mountains in the rest of the state. We had many trees that were infected and infested by these beetles and had to cut them down. That was very sad, but when we cut them down we were amazed at how they stood up. We have replaced some of those trees with young Nut trees that would bring new life and a new purpose to the trees, the land, and the wildlife here. I realize some of these will take from 5 years to many years to replenish the just 1 acre we have. I am hoping that these trees do not get infested and that the seeds will be carried throughout our wooded mountainside. Hopefully, they will foster new growth and a better life for all that depend on this land.

Tree and Human Health May Be Linked

It has not found a “direct” link to the cause of some respiratory diseases but brings about a theory that there is a correlation between trees and our health.  In the article they say that because of the death of the Ash Trees that have died from borers specific to that trees our health suffers too.  They are saying that because certain trees that have died less pollution is taken out of our air.  This in turn caused the respiratory problem in humans.  What this tells me is that the forest that I live in can be linked to the same.  It is a good idea to treat the forests with natural things that kill or deter the insects that are eating our trees.  We have a species of pine borers that are and have killed many of our short-needled pines.  So far they have not touched out a few White long needle Pines. We also have several insects that have and are killing off our Oak trees and also many other kinds of trees.  We mostly have Oak trees in our forests but we also have such trees as; White Pine, Short Needle Pines, Cedar, White Birch, Maples, Sassafras, Locusts, and some that I don’t know the species of yet.
We need forests and trees to line our streets.  They provide shade, and homes for wildlife, and most importantly they are a great filter for air pollution.   Large-leaved trees do the best.  It is also a good idea to have large-leafed plants indoors as they also provide filters for indoor air pollution.
Due to the deforestation of many habitats in many areas of the globe this filtering has come to almost a screeching halt.  While some are replanting those trees after they have been cut, it just does not seem like enough.  One of the reasons is that those that are being planted are young trees and will need to take lots of time to regrow to the capacity the older, much larger trees had.  I know that the saplings that I have planted will not be able to filter the air for about 10 years.  If there were a feasible and economical way to replace some of the trees around my land that would be a great start.  Sadly there isn’t and it seems that no one cares around here.
Now it seems that everything is connected in some way.  What we think and do effects other things, plants, trees, animals, the ground, our oceans, and water supply, the air that we breathe, and much more…..Or is it the other way around.  I think it works both ways.  An easy way to tell is to understand the wisdom of the water supply.  Wisdom?  Yes, Wisdom because it does it no matter what and it just keeps on doing it.  If not in one place then it will in another place on the globe.  It is exactly like an Algebraic equation.  What happens on one side will eventually affect what happens on the other side of the planet. We cannot stop this.

Plant and Water Wisdom

The wisdom of the waters:
  This is a cycle.  It is in the ground, it evaporates, and it returns to the ground. 
·        It begins in place, the ground or the air.  This does not matter where on the globe.
·        By the very nature of this Earth, it evaporates.
·        It falls in some kind of form; snow, rain, hail, ice.  It can also come as a light mist to a heavy rainstorm, snowstorm, Hurricane, Tsunami or other force and can be thrown to the ground.  As of this date February 3, 2013, I don’t think that we can control this yet.

The wisdom of plants and trees:
·        They soak up some of this water which contains pollution.
·        The molecules of that dirt and other nutrients get sent to the roots, cleaning the air and taking the pollution back to the earth.
·        Other plants also do this but the bigger the leaves the more area it can clean.
·        Trees and plants also take negative energy and put it back into the ground where it is filtered and turned into positive energy.

What are we doing to cause ourselves harm?

What are we doing to cause ourselves harm?
  Cutting the trees down and removing the air filtration system of this Earth.
·        The air becomes too negative and harmful to the inhabitants of this Earth.
·        That affects us as we breathe the negative air; it enters into the body and causes all kinds of diseases and conditions.
·        We eat of the smaller leaved plants that cannot hold or replenish enough of the negativity, therefore, entering into our body’s defense system and compromising it.
·        We consume the animals that eat the plants, that breathe the same air that we do and the cycle keeps going…..
UNTIL we keep the trees alive and all over the planet so that our planet and all other beings here work synergetically like it was meant to work.  There is a very good article that one might want to read about:Biosynergy: The Synergy of Life

Keep planting the trees, even if you live in a forest such as I do.  There are too many things that kill them off to think that they will always be there.

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