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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Coal’s Future Increasingly in Doubt-Solar Thermal Magazine

Coal’s Future Increasingly in Doubt-Solar Thermal Magazine:

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Press release: The Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign announced that one-third of all coal-fired power plants in the United States are now scheduled for retirement, a significant milestone in the effort to move the country beyond coal no later than 2030. The latest announcements, coming this week from Maryland and Pennsylvania, bring the total up to 158 of the nation’s 523 coal-fired power plants.
Community groups from across the country, major environmental organizations, health advocates, and everyday citizens have joined together in an effort to fundamentally transform America’s energy sector by cleaning up the air we breathe and ending dangerous pollution from old, dirty coal plants while bringing more clean energy online. As we transition to a clean energy economy, the Sierra Club is calling on utilities, state government officials, and all people who care about justice and fairness to ensure a responsible transition for affected workers.

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