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Sunday, September 20, 2015

What Is New On The Horizon

This is such a touchy subject, but I must state my thought anyway because others might learn from them and or they may bring about more thought into this.

All over the Internet and now on the commercials and such there has been talk about Global Warming or Climate Change.  In those studies they profess their results they tell the public about how humans are killing the planet.  I beg to differ with their studies.  Yes, I do get lots of people telling me that I am blind and all those studies are true.  I don't believe them

Pictures of trash and melting of ice and death of species and decimation of forests and such are all the rave they proclaim.  You take a wider view and zoom out of the area they have taken their pictures of and you will see a different view.

According to all earthly creatures there is a dying process and with each dying process nature gives us a better or new species on the planet.  It has been done time and time again.  Each species that we *think* has gone extinct has been found again.  Not only this but we are finding many, many new species on this planet from simple plants to amphibians to reptiles to higher animal species.
Animals such as the one on this video include:

  • Banggai Crow Not recorded since 1885.  Rediscovered: 2007 (confirmed 2009)
  • Terror Skink Not recorded since the 1870s.  Rediscovered: 2003
  • Cuban Solenodon Last specimen seen: 1890.  Officially declared extinct: 1970. Rediscovered: 2003
  • Bavarian Pine Vole Thought extinct: 1962.  Rediscovered: 2000/2001
  • Black Kokanee Thought extinct: 1940.  Rediscovered: 2010

More Animals that were thought extinct that may still be alive today.

With each new thing something has to die first to make room for the new.  Many things that change, do so for the better of the species.

I watched a small part of a show the other night and it was a camera taking a video of a part of the bottom of the ocean.  It was showing all the trash that had sunk down to the bottom.  Yes, that is a bad thing, BUT the video also showed how the ocean currents were putting all that trash into one place.  I do believe that we are not in control of things on this planet.  I do not think that we will ever be in control of Nature who has been here and done things all by itself for many years before we set foot on this planet.

I am an optimist and as such I see more beauty and more good in, on and above the earth and I also trust that the natural occurrences of said Earth knows what it is doing.

Seeing and observing many new things that we have not been able to before gives me a sense of awe in everything.  We have so many expeditions in and at the bottom of the oceans.  It is at this time in our history, not that of the whole planets history that we can now sit and watch and see what lives in the ocean and at the bottom.  That is not to say that we have seen it all though a we are finding newly discovered species there with each new day. We can now go to the mountain tops and see them from above and we can go under them and see what is living in the caverns of the planet.  We now have just seen glimpses of what creatures live in the hottest and coldest of climates and conditions.  We have also been able to see what is above the planet and out into space and what is in galaxies so far away.
The Lrgest Cavern in China and they even had a school and people living in there.

I think it is arrogant that we use such scare tactics on others and we still don't even know 1/10th of what is in our environment.

With each thing that goes away, something new or improved comes in it's place and it gets me to wonder what are the new things that are on our horizon.  Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie,
    " I do not think that we will ever be in control of Nature who has been here and done things all by itself for many years before we set foot on this planet.

    I am an optimist and as such I see more beauty and more good in, on and above the earth and I also trust that the natural occurrences of said Earth knows what it is doing. "
    I couldn't agree with you more, well said..
