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Friday, September 30, 2016

The Symbiotic Relationship of Life on Earth

Food. It is what we need to sustain our lives. It is also something that all creatures here on the planet we call Earth needs. It is the little fish that is eaten by the bigger fish. It is a cooperation from each species or living being on the Earth. Everything dies and everything is reborn. There are spiritual aspects of the relationships of all creatures here.

I just read an article, What Our Love for Hamburgers Has to Do With Wildlife Extermination and Habitat Destruction

It is from a Vegan site called One Green Planet.

The first paragraph goes like this:

"Animal agriculture is nothing if not pervasive—not to mention invasive. Nearly half the world’s surface area is taken up by livestock systems, according to a 2011 report from the International Livestock Research Institute, and with an ever-growing human population, it’s not too far-fetched to imagine the prevalence of livestock systems may also continue to increase — but at what cost to native flora and fauna?"

"The ever-growing population." There are controls of that already set in place. We will never grow too much for this planet. The planet controls us and everything on it. That is why there are diseases and natural disasters. Humans have been blinded by organizations that use these types of fear factors. Watch were there are natural disasters and how many people stay at those places that have experienced them. You will see, if you just observe.

How did they do it way back in prehistoric times when the Woolly Mammoth and other huge beasts roamed the earth? Those animals were 10 to 100 times larger than what we have today. That was a whole lot of poop. Can you imagine! One dump might have been as big as a football field. Yet the flora and fauna survived nicely.

If you remember right, it was back in the days before we brought the sheep and cattle to the America's that they had many, many herds of Buffalo and they were almost made extinct by the hunting for food and clothing. A whole lot of poop then too.

Excuse me......thousands of those beasts lived then and here we still have the flora and fauna still around. Heck we are still around, not to mention the topic of green house gasses from present day cattle.

What is fertilizer made from? Animal Poop! What do we do with that stuff? We fertilize plants and the flora and fauna needs those nutrients. Without that there would be no flora or fauna. It is a symbiotic relationship.

"you can help reduce the environmental cost of cattle grazing and other animal agriculture practices by reducing the amount of meat you consume, or even foregoing meat entirely. In addition, be sure to visit the In Defense Of Animals website to ......"

Humans and animals have been consuming meat since the stone age. Are you aware that the American Indians thanked each animal that they killed for meat? Yes they did and probably still do in a way. They also used every single body part or organ to give homage to the animal for giving up it's life to give nourishment to the humans. That is something that you do see within the animal kingdom. Humans do that within their own human kind.....How many do you know that would die for another human being. It's the same concept.

Do you also believe in Soul Contracts? You should if you want to understand how this planet works and the total symbiosis on it. We agree to be on this planet for one reason or another....and so do the animals and plant life. Oh and did you know that plants scream when they are broken? Yes they scream too when they are hurt. Their hurt is on a much different level than ours as it is with animals, fish and everything in between. They also do other things that we humans and other species do as well and you can watch some of these video's right on the Smithsonian website (I am truly sorry for those who cannot watch video's on-line) 
Do Plants Respond to Pain?
"If plants don’t have nerve cells, how can this one be anesthetized? These astonishing experiments from Amazing Plants are challenging what we’ve long believed."

Spiritually speaking we are all one and we all feed and need each other on this planet. It is selfish to say that those who are slaughtered are so for a specific reason and that they have no contract to be here and be not here and then come back over and over again. We don't know these things right out, but we did sign that contract when we were put on this earth, just like everything else on this earth. Everything and I mean everything has it's purpose on this planet.

Over population? Not all over and there is only overpopulation in the big cities. Get out of your building and go into the wilderness and observe nature and how it is symbiotic. Don't like death and dying? You are missing the point and are being selfish in that. Everything on this planet is born and dies....everything. Then it all comes back....always. It is a vast cycle and it was made that way. It is the planet of learning and everything acts in accordance to what it came here to learn.

Do you know that most cattle farmers are small. In this article blog about her small dairy farm she explains why farms are getting bigger and what it is like growing food and milking 100 cows on a daily basis. 5 Reasons Family Farms Are Getting Bigger The Top reason is that they need more produce to feed their families and it is a myth that there are more factory farms than family farms. Here you can read about that: Are Dairy Farms Owned By Companies or Families? The banks are too interested in their profits. and she goes on about that in her other blog post which would be a good idea for you to read: Farming For Profit She states:

"Like any business some farms are more profitable than others. I know large farms that have had to sell the cows and quit farming because they couldn’t pay the bills. I know small farms who have had to sell the cows because they couldn’t pay the bills. I’ve seen small farmers take trips that I know I couldn’t afford, I’ve had large farmers confide in me that their families are receiving food stamps. Size of farm doesn’t seem to play into profitability in many cases."

Then you have the other side of the coin with this article:

Industrial Meat Bad, Small Farm Good? It's Not So Simple

In the article it states:

"Given the range of human nutritional needs and the different ways of raising livestock, Herrero and co-authors argue, decisions about how to make meat and milk production more sustainable should probably be local ones. In other words, there's no "one-size-fits-all" blueprint for sustainability for farmers.

That's because when it comes to raising livestock, the contradictions abound, the authors note.

One example? While animals provide nutrients for farmers' crops (think manure), their waste also pollutes the land and water. While grazing animals can be beneficial to a grassland ecosystem, overgrazing can destroy it. Questions of health can be equally complex: Animal milk and meat are critically important sources of protein and other nutrients for many people – especially the poor – but they also contribute to obesity and chronic disease.

What this means is that a cattleman raising 10 cows on cruddy grassland in Zambia and the manager of a major Kansas feedlot have starkly different priorities when it comes to how they manage resources."

If we change one thing there is a pendulum affect and we may bring something that we hadn't thought of out. Observe the things in which humans tried to change by bringing in another animals to control another animal's population. What happened with that? I can honestly say that it was not a good turn out and it brought more harm than good in the long run.

A more simple approach would be to Give Thanks to the animal, even if you don't know where it has come from, which farm that is. Most importantly you need to understand your very own body as it was given to you to manage while you are here on this earth plane. It was given to you and not someone else to manage and take care of. Not all diets work for all individuals. It is up to the individual to know there body.

We are all one and we all need everything and everyone and we all are on this planet that is one big population of a symbiotic relationship. Everything feeds and lives off something else and it was designed that way.

Symbiotic: Obligate symbiosis is when two organisms are in a symbiotic relationship because they can't survive without each other. Facultative symbiosis is when the species live together by choice. There are four main types of symbiotic relationships: mutualism, commensalism, parasitism and competition.........Plants and Animals cannot survive without each other.....Remember that.

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