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Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Misconception of Gender In Nature and Humans

First thing, this is not about ADAM and EVE as religion, but as Genders...Adam being Male and Eve being female, but there are other genders that are being demonized by religion.  This article opens up things that have been or are being hidden.

In the original article that I wrote I was explaining how I thought that Eve did not come from Adam's rib and how homosexuals and anyone of the LBGT community are people that God made too.  For all purposes I have turned this into something a bit on the side. It is about the misconceptions and fears that most people have about others that are different from them especially when it has to do with what a specific gender should look like.

There is a mass hysteria going on about Gender and who should use which bathroom. I had a short conversation with a woman that explained her horror at seeing a man in a women's restroom in a store. I was telling another person about the different genders and there are not only two, but many more. I also brought up the subject of transgenders and how they go through many stages before all is said and done. Much to my surprise she told me to not post that kind of filth on her page. Well people like her and many others who are conditioned to think that there are only two genders in this world need to be educated and some information needs to be spread about. These people have gotten totally out of joint about sex and that all they other person is thinking about is that. Well, I think that they are the ones that are fearful of their own bodies and that of others and think that everyone's main thoughts are about sex. That is not true at all. They are the ones that need to get their minds out of the gutter. So I am going to educate you in this blog.  It also pertains to other species on this earth and why I chose to put it in this blog and not my Religion blog, The Divine Dispatch.

Lets start with the story of Adam and Eve.

Genesis Story Of Adam and Eve
Most everyone knows about the story in the Bible in Genesis where it is told that out of Adam's rib God made Eve. It is told that God put Adam in a deep slumber and removed one of his ribs and made Eve. Now this is something that is taught in all religions and in many languages and is taken without question. Well, I am questioning it. I think most people miss out on some of the things that that Bible alludes too.

I have a theory about what is said in this story and here is my theory. Just for clarification a theory does not make something absolute truth or absolute false either. It is a different way of looking at things and brings about the thought process of things that are just taken as truth without any investigation into the subject.

My theory is that Eve could not have come from Adam because of what we now know from Dolly, the cloned sheep. In this article I will explain my theory or hypothesis.

The Possibility of the Cloning Of Adam

Now when God told Adam that he would have a HELPMEET (not spouse) to help tend the Garden of Eden he told him that he would be putting him into a deep sleep. We use anesthesia to do this today and it would not have surprised me a bit that a God would have used the same. It is told that one of Adam's ribs, and I believe this would be a symbol of his DNA, were taken from him and Eve was made from that.

Knowing what we do know today scientifically and by observation this would be the same as "Cloning". God took a part of Adam's DNA with a set of Chromozomes and replicated the DNA making another human being. God might have Cloned Adam to make Eve. Only what we know today would not support a female coming or cloned from a male body. Coning only copies the subject that does not change anything in the newly cloned subject.


July 5, 1996 - February 14, 2003, a ewe, was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. She was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, Scotland, and lived there until her death when she was six years old. Her birth was announced on February 22, 1997.Being that they did not want her to suffer they did put her down. Sheep's usual life span is 11-12 years. While doing the preliminary genetic research it was found that she would have various other diseases and therefore they knew this at the time. It was also hypothesized that any human who would be cloned would also have some genetic diseases as well.When they found that she had this lung disease when she was only 6 years old they put her down. It is a very common ailment in sheep and was not something special or added when she was cloned. They now do this with pets, such as dogs.

That would mean that if Adam were cloned God would have created another male and that he would have diseases copied into the cloned male. Now we don't know what diseases and other things there were at the time of Adam and I surmise there was every kind of thing. This could have possibly brought down the Original Adam.

Physical Attributes of Gender

First you have man. A man has certain gender equipment that a Woman does and a woman has certain physical gender equipment that a Man does not.

These are only the two main genders that most people think of, but there are others. There are 6 genders. You need to go back to school and learn your anatomy.


One gender or orientation that has come under fire is the Gay/Lesbian attribute or characteristics. It has been studied by philosophers, religious scholars and scientists alike and not anyone really knows why or how these gender specific people came to be. They are mentioned in the Bible and are studied at great length. Suffice to say no one has come up with the reason why males are attracted to males and females are attracted to other females. Some say it in in their genetic makeup and some say that it is in their very DNA and some say that it is a chosen way of life. I will explain why they have been here since the beginning of time later in this article.

Another gender characteristic are those who feel they are not in the correct gender or body type or make up. Those are Trans-Genders or those born with both sets of gender equipment. Most times the Physician or the parent chooses the gender the child will be by what they want it to be. When this is not right the child feels like they are right in some way. some will change their gender at a later age and some just suffer through the choice that some one else has made for them.

I have another theory to all this and it does make sense in many ways. Adam would have had to be a hermaphrodite. A hermaphrodite is a person whom has both sets of gender equipment


A Hermaphrodite is one who has both gender organs. It is not a transgender or Gay/Lesbian because the person is born with both. It is natural and is plenty in other animals and in nature. Salmon do it. They can be female and at a flip turn to male. Cuttlefish, Spotted Hyenas, reptiles a even the Garter Snake all change their sexual orientation when nature says to. Most species capable of changing sex transition from female to male – a pattern called protogyny; however, the opposite pattern – protandry – occurs in a handful of species. In most cases, fish change sexes in response to social circumstances; for example, if a male blue-banded goby (Lythrypnus dalli) dies, one of his female harem members may become a male and take over his duties. (Source

True Hermaphroditism does not occur in the human population but according to research there is such a thing as pseudohermaphrodism. Hermaphrodtes also cannot get themselves pregnant. This would also support the theory of cloning of Adam to make Eve. At birth an individual can have both male and female external genitalia. Female embryos exposed to high levels of male gender hormones will develop female internal reproductive organs and have outward male genetalia. Consequently this produces a genetic defect (if it wasn't there in the first place) causing the children to be born with outward female genital organs and vice versa.

It would make it very plausible that the union of Adam and Eve to have hermaphroditic children who at puberty were males and could have male and female children. It would also explain where the females came into the story of who Cain and Able had children with. They would not be incest totally. It never says how old Adam and Eve were or how old they were when their sons/daughters were. God could very well done to Cain and Abel the same as he did with Adam and Eve and produced two females the same age as Cain and Abel.


These do change as the child reaches puberty. If these hormones do not stop reproducing then it makes sense that you would have same gender attractions. This is a natural as it was there from the beginning and since all these course through our very bodies it would be difficult to find something amiss with chromozomes and such.

Now there is something called INTERSEX. What is it you say. Well according to the Intersex Society of North American this is some of their definitions of such:
“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. For example, a person might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but having mostly male-typical anatomy on the inside. Or a person may be born with genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male and female types—for example, a girl may be born with a noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy may be born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided so that it has formed more like labia. Or a person may be born with mosaic genetics, so that some of her cells have XX chromosomes and some of them have XY.
Though we speak of intersex as an inborn condition, intersex anatomy doesn’t always show up at birth. Sometimes a person isn’t found to have intersex anatomy until she or he reaches the age of puberty, or finds himself an infertile adult, or dies of old age and is autopsied. Some people live and die with intersex anatomy without anyone (including themselves) ever knowing........nature presents us with sex anatomy spectrums. Breasts, penises, clitorises, scrotums, labia, gonads—all of these vary in size and shape and morphology. So-called “sex” chromosomes can vary quite a bit, too. But in human cultures, sex categories get simplified into male, female, and sometimes intersex, in order to simplify social interactions, express what we know and feel, and maintain order.
So nature doesn’t decide where the category of “male” ends and the category of “intersex” begins, or where the category of “intersex” ends and the category of “female” begins. Humans decide. Humans (today, typically doctors) decide how small a penis has to be, or how unusual a combination of parts has to be, before it counts as intersex. Humans decide whether a person with XXY chromosomes or XY chromosomes and androgen insensitivity will count as intersex...."

This woman also was taken aback at the possibilities of gender reassignment and I told her, or tried to tell her, that it doesn't happen overnight and the individual may be both at one time therefore they would assign themselves to the gender they are changing too.  Here is How Gender Reassignment Works
I was looking for some pictures of those who are in mid gender reassignment to illustrate what a man being reassigned as a woman and there were just too many to choose, but I can assure you in the article above it does state that they have to actually live in their new gender before getting the surgery.  Think about that the next time you go use the bathroom and what you think that you see, might be the furthest from what is real. Here are some images and pictures of those who are in mid transgender.




We are all made up of the same, male and female, mix of the primordial soup of hormones coursing through our veins and throughout every organ of our bodies.
Jesus states that we should love our neighbors as ourselves....because we are all one.

Think of the possibilities in this. Think of all the hermaphrodites that are in hiding because of some people's views that this is evil or wrong. There are animals that have this and people think this is gross or too out of the ordinary. In reality it is very ordinary and very common. It really does add a new meaning to gender equality and the roles of male and female in our society.

Our preconceived notions need to be tweaked and our eyes opened to question what is norm and what is not anymore.

We must come out of the dark and look around. We must take our blinders off. We must stop this war of the genders and who is right and who is wrong because we are all male and female and therefore alike.

I just bet that man/woman/transgender was only thinking about how bad they had to use the facilities. Now if you think that this is still filth, then there is something wrong with you not being educated and have compassion and wisdom.

This is the same planet that all of us live on.  There are other animals and organisms that also have many different sex or genders.  It is beyond being something man-made because it is all over this planet in all species and on all continents and lands.  It is within the constructs of Earth's Domain.

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