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Saturday, July 4, 2015

What I Love About This Planet

Our Planet Earth

Our Planet is a wonderful planet.  Some may say that we are destroying it but I do not see that because there is too much beauty in and on and above it.  I think that Mother Nature and the planet Earth knows what they are doing, weather we be on it or not.  It was here long before we were and will be long after we are gone, if that ever happens.

There is show that was on a while ago called Life After People.

What I saw with this was the earth taking back her domain.  Weeds and insects grew back in areas that were devastated and left to just be forgotten.  In the series there was a report of what happens and would happen to all those Nuclear Power Plants and how nature took it all back.  I mean nature like in animals, plants, insects and other life.  

I often wonder what will happen to this small patch of land that I live on once we leave it.  I have seen the weeds take over in just a couple of months.  I see many animals come by on this land and this is their home and they will take it back.  I wonder what all my plants and flowers that I have added to this parcel will do to change this areas small ecosystem.  Don't you wonder what you are doing for the future of this piece of land that you live on and what it may look like once you leave it?

I love this planet because it doesn't care what we do to it.  It always comes back and continues on in every part of the world.

The mountains are so beautiful and full of life and water.  They are different colors and different formations and they house many plants, insects and animals fro one mountain to the next and from one continent or island to the next.  They are so full of life is is beyond just being beautiful.

There are oceans.  Many oceans and seas and rivers and streams.  They are all part of this lovely Earth.  They hold life and give life and sustain life and they move and flow and go wherever they want.  They live and they play and they die and come back again to do it all over again.

This Earth, this planet is our playground.  It is here for everyone to play whatever game they want to play.  It is here to teach us what we want to know and to figure things out.  Within it is all our thoughts and dreams and all the things that we need to learn and see and experience. We come back again and again to learn more and experience more.  Everything is provided, the land, the mountains, the oceans and rivers and streams and the places that we live.

I just love this planet called Earth.  

We can never destroy it for it will always defy us and grow anew.

The Earth is Alive!

Now think of the planet Earth as a single cell in a body called the Universe.

To see all the things that a human cell has you can go here: 

Human Cell Diagram, Parts, Pictures, Structure and Functions

Everything on earth is one working organism.  It all works together.  

It has to have what we perceive as bad and it also has to have what we perceive as good on it to work harmoniously.  

In turn this single cell works harmoniously with the thing that we call The Milky Way, which may only be a chromosomal in a vast body just waiting or working slowly to become a huge body part in the macrocosm of a single life.

For more beautiful pictures of space from the Hubble Spacecraft click on GALLERY 

I hope that I didn't send you to too many places.  I do hope that you visited them anyway because they are important to everyone on this planet.  Who knows what another planet may have that we do not yet know about because we only see the surface of things.